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k článku: Podpora inovácií v slovenských malých a stredných podnikoch
zo dňa 03.06.2011, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 21.11.2013 01:10:34
Autor: wygqodbut (
Titulok: wholesale jersey jones could be punished by the nfl under its conduct policy
He was targeted 11 times, while Julian Edelman had seven receptions for a careerhigh 118 yards.Brady continued to lean on the duo while wide receiver Danny Amendola missed his third game in a row due to a groin injury. Tight end Rob Gronkowski, meanwhile, has yet to play this season following multiple offseason surgeries on his forearm as well as one on his back.Gronkowski could again miss this game, making it even more surprising that the Pats are off to their seventh 40 start and first since 2007, when they went undefeated up until a loss in the Super Bowl.And October is usually when Brady puts on his Superman costume. The Pats are an NFLbest 357 in the month since 2003 and have won 26 of their last 30 games in October.That should be of some concern to the Bengals, who had a twogame win streak snapped when they lost 176 last weekend to Brian Hoyer and the Cleveland Browns.Hoyer, a former backup of Brady's in New England, touched to the Bengals for 269 yards passing and two touchd

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