Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


k článku: Obchod a investície s Austráliou
zo dňa 31.03.2011, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

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"Most everybody was conscious. They were very dazed."The fiery twin blasts took place almost simultaneously and about 100 yards apart, knocking spectators and at least one runner off their feet, shattering windows and sending dense plumes of smoke rising over the street and through the fluttering national flags lining the course.When the second bomb went off, the spectators' cheers turned to screams. As sirens blared, emergency workers and National Guardsmen who had been assigned to the race for crowd control began climbing over and tearing down temporary fences to get to the blast site.Blood stained the pavement, and huge shards were missing from window panes as high as three stories.Boston police said two people were killed.That's my goal."Marquardt said the NFL's top two draft picks, offensive tackles Eric Fisher and Luke Joeckel, both gave him whoisthathugeguy looks at the combine. "At 6foot8 and 315 pounds, sculpted from titanium alloys and advanced polymer

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