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k článku: Seminár: REACH – nová chemická legislatíva EÚ
zo dňa 16.02.2011, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 30.11.2013 13:48:29
Autor: odixiaxoe (
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michael kors black Friday Legal experts and trial attorneys say they expect more complaints against the NFL to point to the Saints' scandal after the explayers filed suit contending the bounty system was another example that the league "explicitly relied on violence" and neglected to educate players on the dangers of concussions.The claims give the new lawsuit an "added vitality" if attorneys can use it to bolster the idea that there's activity in the sport that goes beyond the typical violence associated with pro football, said Paul Haagen, codirector of the Center for Sports Law and Policy at Duke University."It adds colour" to the complaint, Haagen added. "And by raising it you hope to raise a general buzz in the public that this is an issue."The NFL's investigation found that former Saints defensive coordinator Gregg Williams offered thousands of dollars in cash payouts for violent hits over the

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