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k článku: BOIS HABITAT - drevo a bývanie
zo dňa 17.01.2011, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

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It's the same reason that Clarett was invited to Denver for a tryout.With the salary cap in the NFL, teams need to aggressively sign talented players before they are proven stars.When Bobby Clark was GM of the Flyers, he put a good team on the ice because he was able to sign proven players. The Philly payroll was one of teh highest in teh league. Now that the salary cap is in place, the flyers are getting spanked because they don't have any talent.Two top college teams vie at a venue that features hula dancers and ukulele players at halftime. Just west of Honolulu in neighboring Aiea, the stadium is also the home field of the Warriors football team from the University of Hawaii. It also hosts the NFL Pro Bowl, usually in January, and is the site of the largest swap meet on the island, a good place for souvenir shopping while getting your exercise at the same time.

N Detroit quarterback Matthew Stafford has been placed on injured reserve ahead of what the team calls minor r

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