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k článku: BOIS HABITAT - drevo a bývanie
zo dňa 17.01.2011, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

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The Celtics' success has always mocked the misery of Red Sox fans and the mediocre tradition of the preBrady Patriots. In most parts of this country, New England's 1986 would have been a year to savor. The Celtics won their third and final title of the era.The chances of Canterbury progressing to the 1998 grand final looked hopeless when they trailed Parramatta 182 approaching the 70minute mark of the preliminary final at the Sydney Football Stadium. The situation did indeed look quite dire. With nothing to lose the Bulldogs went for broke, charging back into the contest with three rapidfire tries.

Got to listen to what the doctors are telling him and the rehab specialists and go at their pace, Frazier said. Are steps to take before you actually start running. He has to go through those steps.After several more disappointing seasons, the Falcons finally earned a spot in the playoffs in 1978. They made the playoffs again in 1980, finishing the regular season with a 124 reco

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