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k článku: AutoNet
zo dňa 17.01.2011, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 26.11.2013 08:48:38
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The only space in the cramped lockerroom facility was a janitor's closet. "Can it be cleared out?'' Pardee asked? "Can we fit a small desk in there?'' In the broom closet went a small desk and chair, and Pardee had to wedge himself around the corner of the desk to sit down. When he had a meeting with someone a player, for instance the player would have to stand in the hallway or pull up a chair to the desk, with the chair being mostly in the hallway..But the Yankees, I don't think are going to let him go," the elder Cano said Monday during the DR's workout at George Steinbrenner Field. "I wish he can be here forever. I don't think he'll feel comfortable going to another city .

"He'll be here giving everything he can to the team, still," quarterback said. "His presence in the locker room, on the field will be missed. At the same time, the train keeps moving.Two years ago, a group of US Rugby players, many of whom had also played cricket,

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