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k článku: AutoNet
zo dňa 17.01.2011, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 22.11.2013 01:51:00
Autor: lotssvmxx (
Titulok: wholesale jersey it's only my third game back from a full year recovering
Held every four years and widely considered to be the "Super Bowl" of international basketball, the FIBA tournament serves as a preview for the 2012 Olympic Games, to be held in London. The winner of the FIBA tournament receives an automatic berth in the London Olympics. Squad will open the FIBA tournament with three consecutive games in three days.STREAKS, STATS AND NOTES Chicago 72 in Monday night games under Lovie Smith. Bears and Cowboys have played Monday night only once previously, 226 Bears home win in 1996.

Colts in Bears debut. Bears CB Tim Jennings had careerhigh two interceptions vs.5) Small bites Brady now has thrown a touchdown in 47 straight games, tying Johnny Unitas. Only Drew Brees (54) has thrown a touchdown in more consecutive games Belichick now has 10 seasons to his credit in which he has coached an 11win team. That's tied with Tom Landry.

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