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k článku: AutoNet
zo dňa 17.01.2011, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 22.11.2013 01:45:58
Autor: jpkahwqzo (
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The studies also didn't make it clear if the people who were rating the patients' depression were the same as those rating their side effects. "These are supposedly doubleblind studies," said Spielmans, "but based on the side effects, [the clinicians] might be able to tell what's going on and therefore who's taking the drug. Then it wouldn't be a doubledblind study anymore.".The Lions' offseason investment in running back Reggie Bush seems to be paying dividends as Bush has already racked up 254 rushing and 179 yards receiving in his three starts this season. The Packers will need to shadow Bush everywhere he goes to limit his bigplay potential. That's a good position to be in offensively.".

"I wish his agent would have warned him about this being a different level of training," Sopoaga said at the time. "I was kind of feeling bad for him when our first time last week he was running the hills and he was drooling, he was throwing up.

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