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k článku: Internetový marketing – ako spropagovať Vaše podnikanie
zo dňa 16.11.2010, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 29.11.2013 14:54:32
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michael kors outlet "This is a great opportunity to partner with the Bills on this fun, useful, and unique giveaway for fans."In addition to partnering with the Bills for the "Touchdown Tote" bag giveaway, BlueRock Energy will serve as the Game Week Sponsor for the home opener at Ralph Wilson Stadium."The BlueRock Energy Touchdown Tote will help educate our valued fans and Team Members working at Bills games as to the type and size of bags that are permitted," said Andy Major, Bills Vice President of Event Operations and Guest Experience. "Fan safety is extremely important to our team, and we appreciate BlueRock Energy assistance to improve the game day experience and add to the excitement of our soldout home opener against the Patriots."This news comes on the heels of the recent announcement of a long term partnership between the Bills and BlueRock Energy, the energy solutions company that provides

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