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k článku: Internetový marketing – ako spropagovať Vaše podnikanie
zo dňa 16.11.2010, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 19.11.2013 10:13:43
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Following the "who knew what," or "who forgot what," Tim Nelson at MPR says: "Governor Mark Dayton today sounded a different tone after critical remarks on whether the Gambling Control Board was as open as it should haven about the gambling industry's role in estimating the revenue the state could expect from electronic pulltabs. Asked about the industry's role for a second day, he defended his administration's previous consultations with the gambling industry, dating back to 2011 Dayton's explanation today: he might have forgotten that part. Here's how he actually put it:.Interim coach Leslie Frazier could just be named the next head coach of the Vikings. His own evaluation period hasn gone quite as well as it could have. His players may have quit on him with the playoffs out of sight.

MIAMI APRIL 11: Rapper/producer JayZ and singer Beyonce Knowles attend a game between the Toronto Raptors and the Miami Heat on April 11, 2006 at American Airline

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