Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


k článku: Seminár - INOVÁCIE A 7. RÁMCOVÝ PROGRAM -
zo dňa 07.09.2010, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

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Autor: hiefDave (
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The squad also has only seven specialist batsmen, including MS Dhoni, which might be a worry in case of injuries. India haven't played their full strength one day side since the New Zealand tour in early 2009. There is no reserve keeper in the squad either, but that shouldn't be a concern as they can have one travel with them in case he is needed at short notice..

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And, like my partner, he is deeply unconforming. Not much got past them in their growing up years, and still today they question the social mores that we tend to take as gospel. (Heaven knows, they don't even take the Gospels as gospel!). Feast your eyes on the Isabel Marant x H upcoming collection launching November 14. Mara

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