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k článku: Zrušenie výzvy na predkladanie žiadostí o NFP
zo dňa 20.07.2010, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 19.11.2013 09:37:02
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4. Denver Broncos They're 50 and seem to be buying into Josh McDaniels' coaching philosophy, but they've appeared to be very shaky at times. They escaped (the key word here is escaped) Cincinnati with a win after a miraculous series of bounces that landed in the hands of Brandon Stokley, beat Dallas after Tony Romo, for one reason or another, threw in Champ Bailey's direction on the final two plays of the game, and defeated a struggling New England team in overtime.Some of the important changes have been witnessed during the off season; new trades have been made, players inducted, legal issues plaguing the players, and recovering players join the teams. But, it is quite difficult choose teams that will reach the top this season. Matt Cassel who finished the last season with 21 touchdowns and about 3,700 yards will look forward to take advantage of the more spread type offense play employed by the Chiefs.

Charlestown will strongly fancy their chances, but one neutral sugge

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