Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


k článku: Participácia slovenských malých a stredných podnikov na tvorbe európskej legislatívy
zo dňa 18.05.2010, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 19.11.2013 16:28:44
Autor: quclhuwbp (
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It was the start of a magnificent contribution from the Mayo midfielder, who ended his afternoon with four points to his name.Playing with up to 13 players behind the ball, produced some very effective counterattacking football in the opening half. Peter Kelly punished a sloppy Kenny Golden clearance, and after Patrick McHale's punched effort was ruled out by referee Denis Harrington, Ballagh' enjoyed a spell of dominance that delivered two points for Barry Regan to leave them 03 to 01 ahead. It could have been more advantageous for the visitors had Ronan McGrath's flicked effort nestled in David Clarke's net instead of rubbing the right post.Pat Harte kicked a massive point on the run from all of 50 yards after 22 minutes, and restored parity a minute later when manoeuvring his way past three defenders before drilling over the black spot from the left wing.Playing with the wind, would have felt that an advantage would have to established before halftime.Gold is up $4 on that &qu

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"wholesale jersey a monreoville native who graduated from penn state in 1983"

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