Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


k článku: Európsky týždeň malých a stredných podnikateľov (MSP) 2010
zo dňa 13.04.2010, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 21.11.2013 17:04:10
Autor: tuzupdzqw (
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The Tigers have a ferocious pass rush that has posted 26 sacks, led by defensive ends Sam Montgomery and Barkevious Mingo, who have combined for 10 and each had one last week. LSU's young but talented defensive backfield has also been good. LSU has 14 interceptions, and Tigers defenders are confident in their ability to stifle a Mississippi offense in which quarterback Bo Wallace gets his unit line up quickly and runs a lot of plays.."It has been a great 15 years," the 36 yearold said during his retirement speech. "I have had a phenomenal career. I have had the opportunity to play with some of the greatest players in the history of this game, and have played for some of the greatest coaches in the history of this game.".

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