Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


k článku: Operačný program Bratislavský kraj – nové výzvy
zo dňa 07.04.2010, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

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"I think it's more important that the players have finality, that they're vindicated, and that as soon as the court approves the settlement they can begin to get screening, and those that are injured can get their compensation. I think that's more important than looking at some documents," said lawyer Sol Weiss of Philadelphia, who filed the first lawsuit on behalf of former Atlanta Falcon Ray Easterling and a few others. Easterling later committed suicide."I walked out there with a totally different perspective, because every other time I always walked out there for a battle," Lewis said. "But this time, I walked out there as a man, a complete man. It feels good, it feels good to know I ran my race, and now I'm here.".

It's time now to clear the air. Last night we had the 20th, yes the 20th opportunity to hear the republican candidates lay out their vision for the future of this country. In a debate format that contained no difficult question

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