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k článku: Perspektívy podnikania v Afrike - Podnikanie v Angole, Keni a Líbyi
zo dňa 07.04.2010, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 20.11.2013 01:40:17
Autor: wnnehtnnv (
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Separate tickets for the brunch and family funday activities are $10 for adults, $5 for children 12 and under. May 19 at Hickory High School in Hermitage. "Broadway Up In Lights" features the PennOhio Singers presenting show tunes including highlights of the 50th anniversary of "The Music Man." The quartet Cornerstone" is featured guest.The hometown Devils made arguably the biggest splash of the day, trading their No. 9 overall pick to the Vancouver Canucks for goaltender Cory Schneider. Schneider posted a 1794 season with a 2.11 goalsagainst average and a .927 save percentage in his first season as Vancouver's starter, but was traded after the Canucks found it extremely difficult to move Roberto Luongo and his contract, which carries a $5.3 million salary cap hit through the 202122 season.

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