Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


k článku: Spustenie helpdesku pre MSP v oblasti štandardizácie
zo dňa 23.03.2010, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 24.11.2014 19:11:44
Autor: Jet jordans for salecls ( )
Titulok: Re: Moncler Outlet
Studies. Do a study, look at their minutes they really work, lets put down on paper how many hours that they are really sitting in that council chair.I bet you $83,500 it's not more than 40 hours a week.Look at the three council members that are for the pay raise and the three that are not.
"We're probably going to lose money this year, but I can't tell you how much I'm enjoying it," he says, beaming. "I think that's just the reality of the business, and especially with a new venue. We worked hard to get the bands we wanted here, and we're very happy with the lineup, but we also didn't want to put millions and millions into talent this first year. We'd rather really get the venue where we want it, and then grow SoundTown over the years. I was realistic about what this would be and the turnout. After all the improvements, I knew I would be anxious if we didn't do something this year. I'm proud of it, and I wanted to let people see it and enjoy it."

Gentlemen pl

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