Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


k článku: CONECO 2010
zo dňa 19.03.2010, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

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"It's good to start the season that way. I thought we fought hard, especially late in the game."The Bucs, meanwhile, should have joined the Saints in the win column but were done in during an 1817 loss to the New York Jets by a lategame personal foul penalty on star linebacker Lavonte David.At the conclusion of a 10yard scramble with seven seconds remaining, Jets rookie QB Geno Smith was pushed by David as he exited the playing field, a faux pas which set Nick Folk up for a gamewinning 48 yard field goal.The Jets defense had made a critical mistake moments earlier when it left Vincent Jackson uncovered on the possession prior, with the receiver's 37yard catch allowing Rian Lindell to kick a goahead 37yard field goal with 34 seconds left.Behind by two points and time against him, Smith first fired a 25yard pass to Kellen Winslow and spiked the ball to stop the clock prior to his scamper which set New York up for the winning score.David's penalty was the 13th of the day for

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