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k článku: Cezhraničná spolupráca Maďarská republika – Slovenská republika 2007-2013
zo dňa 13.01.2010, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

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The most recent bite occurred May 19 at an apartment in Pleasanton, said , a lieutenant in that city. Officers and paramedics reported finding the boy with facial injuries after he had been left in a room with the 96pound, 6yearold dog named Boston., who owned the dog and lived in the apartment, was home at the time along with the boy's mother, 27yearold Myrvete Lila of Dublin. The boy was treated for his wounds at a hospital, Bretzing said, and the dog was seized.An investigation then revealed that the Presa Canario had earlier bitten the boy in the face after the two were left alone in a room on March 6, an attack that also required hospital treatment, Bretzing said.The suspensions followed a Grand Jury report that identified 37 current and former priests."I wish to express again my sorrow for the sexual abuse of minors committed by any member of the Church, especially clergy," Cardinal Justin Rigali, the archbishop of Philadelphia, said in a statement yesterday."I

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