Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


k článku: Cezhraničná spolupráca Maďarská republika – Slovenská republika 2007-2013
zo dňa 13.01.2010, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 19.11.2013 17:34:12
Autor: vqyurjwag (
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Again? Yup. There should be eight starters on defense in their 30s, and, while none seem to be showing that age, the football season gets longer the older you get. Take Aaron Smith, 35.In Las Vegas, the house always wins except when the New York Giants make an unlikely trip to the Super Bowl after being written off by touts earlier in the season. Some sports books were offering 80 to 1 odds to anyone who wanted to bet on the Giants winning the Super Bowl. The York money of lore took them up on the offer, and now sports books all over town enter Super Bowl Sunday with exposure because of all the paper they holding on the Giants.

JETS GEL: Rex Ryan is fired before the season is a month old. In a stunning move, the Jets bring back Tebow as a playercoach. He names himself the starting quarterback and leads the Jets to an improbable playoff appearance despite a passer rating of 0.04.TITANS QUARTERBACKS: Locker was taken to the hospital, and a person familiar with the situation

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