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k článku: Verejný portál ITMS
zo dňa 13.01.2010, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

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5. Miami Heat: The Heat have tons of money and no small forwards under contract (unless you consider Michael Beasley one), so if they don't get Lebron, you could see them looking at Gay. But there's a good chance they don't get that far down the freeagent pecking order.But the memories, many times involving beer bongs and subsequent revelry, last a lifetime.The tight end's life, like many graduates', has completely transformed over the past couple months. Since joining the pro ranks, his bank balance is fatter and, moving from hilly NorCal to the cornfields of Indiana, geographic surroundings flatter. Still, in the youngster's case, the more things change, the more they stay the same.Drafted by the Colts with the 34th overall pick in late April, Fleener immediately reteamed with Andrew Luck, a dream scenario for a rebuilding Indy franchise.

Both clubs want the fixture to be played on the 28th and negotiations were ongoing yesterday evening between all parties to try and re

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