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k článku: Verejný portál ITMS
zo dňa 13.01.2010, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 21.11.2013 22:27:16
Autor: gpvxhosjl (
Titulok: wholesale jersey chris johnson picked up where he left off last year
The Lions come into this game woefully thin at receiver. Veteran Nate Burleson, who leads the team in receptions (19 for 239 yards) and is one of its primary leaders, will be lost for several weeks after breaking both bones in his forearm in a pizzarelated, onevehicle, automobile accident. With Burleson out, Detroit doesn't have a lot of experience behind Calvin Johnson.After playing football in high school, he was heavily recruited by many schools. Oklahoma, one of the schools that recruited him, was coached by Barry Switzer. Switzer was unable to bring Campbell to his team, but he had plenty of good things to say about Campbell.

"That was the crucial play of the game," he says of the linebacker slant. "If we hadn't got that first one if we had screwed it up because Svare had a defense on we couldn't handle and didn't adjust to it I don't think No.2 and No.3 would have happened. That was the crucial play of my career..BUT, I realize I adding to the ruin of

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"wholesale jersey chris johnson picked up where he left off last year"

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