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k článku: Usmernenie č. 1 k Výzve na predkladanie Žiadostí o NFP s kódom KaHR-13DM-0901
zo dňa 23.12.2009, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 18.11.2013 14:01:44
Autor: xfgaetggp (
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The 49ers' Smith scrambled and started to slide before turning his back late, and Rams linebacker JoLonn Dunbar barrelled into his neck area with 1:10 left in the first quarter of a 2424 tie against St. Louis. Smith briefly grabbed his facemask and grimaced but stayed in the game, throwing a 14yard touchdown pass to Michael Crabtree in the second quarter..BART gets federal and state subsidies besides the revenue from the ridership. It should have some checks and balances besides the union that is whining about higher wages and more benefits. They pay $90 a month for healthcare.

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