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k článku: Pripravované podujatia organizované NADSME v roku 2010
zo dňa 17.12.2009, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 20.11.2013 10:04:10
Autor: ppjcjuuog (
Titulok: wholesale jersey the san francisco 49ers are coming off a super bowl appearance
Chicago tied with Detroit for NFC North lead. Bears lead league with 14 takeaways, 55 points off turnovers, and have three defensive TDs. Bears' offense was 1 of 13 on third downs against Lions."Like I said, it's one of the toughest things about being 03," linebacker Spencer Paysinger said. "Everybody's going to come after you. Everybody's going to look at you and say that this team is an easy win, they haven't been playing in sync, we can get after their offence, we can frustrate their defence, we can convert whatever we want whenever we want.

While Johnson spent much of his time dancing and stutterstepping in the backfield while futilely looking for daylight, Peterson just kept putting his head down and pounding away at the Titans defense until some running room opened up. He rushed for 88 yards on 17 carries. He broke off runs of 22 and 34 yards, his two longest of the season in another sign that he is nearly all the way back from a horrific knee injury l

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