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k článku: Nový informačný portál
zo dňa 08.12.2009, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 25.11.2013 10:49:02
Autor: cgeplshcz (
Titulok: wholesale jersey seasonticket holders and team staff awaiting word of an agreeme
Due to the outrageous cost of Canuck games, the Lions are the live sporting event of choice for (what Nietzsche called) the bungled and the botched. But seriously folks, before busing in from Surrey, jump in the shower. Then, when raising your arms in celebration while spilling flat draft on your stretched and straining Lulay jersey, nearby fans wont recoil in disgust.Kaepernick's versatility enables San Francisco's Pistol offense to run on all cylinders. Defenses cannot drop back in passing situations because Kaepernick could take off running. Fourtime Pro Bowler Frank Gore rushed for more than 1,200 yards this season to anchor a betterthanaverage rushing game and longball receiving threats Michael Crabtree and Vernon Davis give Kaepernick plenty of options when he drops back to pass.

"I don't think taking a game off is going to affect a guy like Alex. He's started a lot of games in the NFL," Chiefs offensive coordinator Doug Pederson said. "He knows how to

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"wholesale jersey seasonticket holders and team staff awaiting word of an agreeme"

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