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k článku: Semináre k výzve z OP KaHR
zo dňa 13.11.2009, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

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Everyone knows that preseason games are used for evaluating talent and making roster cuts. The star players that we pay our hardearned money and tune in to see play very little, if at all. Therefore, the quality of the game suffers and consequently the fans' interest level wanes (not to mention lost advertising revenue in the third and fourth quarters of preseason games that no one is really watching)..WR Alshon Jeffery had 27yard endaround run against Lions and 38yarder against Minnesota in second game. CB Charles Tillman third on franchise list with 35 interceptions behind safeties Gary Fencik (38) and Richie Petitbon (37). K Robbie Gould has converted 11 straight field goals from 50 yards or longer..

Masoli, who won the job amidst multiple injuries, rushed for 718 yards and 10 touchdowns in 2008, and looks to take the Ducks back to the top of the polls. What could hinder them from doing so is the fact that there are only 10 returning starters on this year's team, which

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