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k článku: XV. Ročník turistického zrazu
zo dňa 06.11.2009, autor článku: Zuzana Vrbinská

Komentár zo dňa: 18.11.2013 12:56:34
Autor: hxklkoymt (
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1. Scout the stadium parking lots if you do not have a season parking pass. If you are going to a new stadium for the first time you need to do a little research online.The Tampa Bay Buccaneers are one of the most profitable teams in the NFL because of their great lease at Raymond James Stadium. The team gets almost all the money from the stadium (including all proceeds from the $32.5 million, 13year naming rights fee with brokerage Raymond James) and pays less than $4 million a year in rent. The Bucs also control all permanent advertising at the stadium.

Cruz, who signed a multiyear, $43 million contract before the start of training camp, went to the locker room early in the first quarter. The team did not say which one and it was not clear when he was hurt although he was knocked to the turf on a long pass on the third play from scrimmage. Pass interference was called on the play..Nick Saban was the latest coach who tried to fill the big shoes of Don Shula, but he fled s

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