Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


zo dňa 23.10.2009, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 19.11.2013 19:12:06
Autor: ixzqvfpvz (
Titulok: wholesale jersey there were so many great players that have left since i left
Money. More money. Sports fans sit back and watch, stuffing snacks in their mouths, washing them down with MouseAid, oblivious to the foul stench and the squalid conditions..Two other men were shot in the parking lot postgame. Last weekend, Saints fans received verbal abuse and one letter to the Chronicle reported that 49ers fans circled the car of Saints fans after the 49ers' wild victory. Jim Harbaugh praised the 49ers fans' enthusiasm earlier this week, but it has also spilled over into abusiveness..

Even with the rejiggered linebackers, the Eagles still can't stop the run. Worse? They have (purportedly) three of the top cornerbacks in the NFL and they can't stop the pass, either. Was it just me or did Asante Samuel quit on the play on the 49ers last TD? You know the one that won the game? And I'm thinking about putting Nnamdi Asomugha's picture on the side of a milk carton because I have no idea where in the hell he's gone..After a spike and an incompletion, Cutler se

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"wholesale jersey there were so many great players that have left since i left"

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