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k článku: Kooperačné stretnutie s bulharskými firmami
zo dňa 23.10.2009, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 22.08.2014 05:45:31
Autor: hiefDave (
Titulok: just for a test
NEW YORK (AP) Miley Cyrus, Anne Hathaway and Cameron Diaz were among the celebrities to embrace the punk theme at Monday night Met gala, the fundraiser at the Metropolitan Museum of Art that affectionately known as "the party of the year." But Beyonce, the event honorary chairwoman, seemed the girl on fire on the red carpet that might rival the Oscars in celebrity wattage.Wearing a flame motif gown with long gloves and a long train by Givenchy Riccardo Tisci, Beyonce was one of the last arrivals, following in the studded heel footsteps of Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, Jennifer Lawrence and Jennifer Lopez.Beyonce was already thinking ahead, though, wondering if she need scissors at the end of the night to get out of the corset.Many stars embraced the big Costume Institute exhibit they were there to celebrate: "Punk: From Chaos to Couture." Beyonce co chairs for the event included Tisci, who escorted Rooney Mara, who wore a white lace gown with exaggerated shoulders and a

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