Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


k článku: M E R C U R 2009
zo dňa 30.09.2009, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 28.11.2014 00:36:35
Autor: Keanu jordans for salecls ( )
Titulok: Michael kors handbags
Thank you for making my day! This hub is hilarious! I love how you relate one cat to marijuana, like being a gateway into craziness. Excellent writing. I too have faced the inevitable thought of becoming a crazy cat lady. When I was single in my 20s, my step sister and I watched the episode of CSI where the cat lady dies and the cats eat her face because no one finds her! (And no one feeds the cats.) We used to joke that I would turn into that. But instead of buying a cat, I advocate for buying a dog. You have to walk them, so it's a great way to get exercise (and meet cute guys with dogs too). Go to the nearest park, play fetch with your dog, and watch the guys roll in! :)
I'm sorry to sound so negative, but unfortunately this is what happens when a company gets too greedy with its clientele the whole experience is ruined and it just leaves a bad taste. The icehotel knows that they have their clients over a barrel in this location and they make sure they clear out every last penny

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