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k článku: Ponuka seminárov SARIO v rámci projektu „Proexportné školiace centrum“
zo dňa 25.09.2009, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

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I think guys playing the WR positions would have the easiest time adjusting to playing by different rules and would be able to perform closest to their own game. Route running isn that much different between the 2 types of football. NFL WRs would enjoy playing with the wider field and deeper end zones.The medical community recognizes the critical role a husband can play in helping his wife cope with the stress of a breast cancer diagnosis and the treatments that followand how much help he needs. Last year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention awarded a $1.1 million grant to Men Against Breast Cancer, an educational group, to develop instructional programs for husbands. The pilot program begins this fall, but for now most men are on their own when it comes to cancer caregiving..

Jose Veras pitched a scoreless ninth to notch his 17th save."I was very happy to see (Norris) pitch as well as he pitched," said Astros manager Bo Porter. "He's had a lot of

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