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k článku: Ponuka seminárov SARIO v rámci projektu „Proexportné školiace centrum“
zo dňa 25.09.2009, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 20.11.2013 14:31:53
Autor: ltpckvyxr (
Titulok: Aston Villa manager Paul Lambert critical of Reading sacking of Brian McDermott
Just looking at his career numbers, Strahan will be remembered as one of the best defensive ends of all time. He is fifth on the alltime total sack list with 141.5, and made 868 tackles (655 solo). Strahan also hold team records with 216 games played and also made 9 1/2 sacks in the postseason.Draughn was beaten out by secondyear pro Cyrus Gray for the No. 3 running back job behind Jamaal Charles and Knile Davis. It may have come down to the Chiefs' preseason finale against the Packers, too, when Gray carried 13 times for 72 yards as the starters and most of the second team sat..

Wipro Infrastructure Engineering has set ambitious targets for its first venture in China, expecting its hydraulics business to reach $100 million in revenues in its first five years of operation. China also has the world biggest truck market, with an estimated 500,000 heavy vehicles sold every year. The domestic hydraulics market alone is estimated at around $1 billion, with truck hydraulics acco

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"Aston Villa manager Paul Lambert critical of Reading sacking of Brian McDermott"

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