Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


zo dňa 18.09.2009, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

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Ricciardi. In there was not a lot of star power, Adam Lind, Casey Janssen, Jesse Litsch, Chad Beck, David Purcey, Curtis Thigpen and Zach Jackson. Have these relief guys been overworked? Consider that in the past eight games, three of the starts have been by Esmil Rogers, Chad Jenkins and Ramon Ortiz.High schoolworkers. They complement them. Helping them do their jobs better.

His first two years have surpassed expectations with a franchise that's had very low ones for so long. The Bengals haven't won a playoff game since the 1990 season, the longest current drought and the seventhlongest stretch in NFL history. They've reached the playoffs four times in Lewis' 10 seasons with Cincinnati, going 04..The Colts are still trying to figure out where he fits best and how long, or successful, the conversion might take. Adongo believes the move to linebacker is the most logical place to start given the combination of size, speed and aggression required to excel in rugby. If that do

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