Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


zo dňa 18.09.2009, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 19.11.2013 08:28:18
Autor: rcfccphek (
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The Greek Islands may be the focus of many fullscale cruises, but you can also reach several of them on easy publicferry day trips from Piraeus. Blue Star Ferries operates some of the most popular short routes. Probably the best choices for outandback day trips are the tour from Piraeus to Mykonos, with stops at Syros and Tiros along the way, and the tour from Piraeus to Santorini, with stops at Paros and Naxos.He made a 42yard field goal into the wind. It's the third time in the last four years that an AFC North team went 60 in the division Pittsburgh did it in 2008 and Cincinnati in 2009.

Allen Adamson, managing director of image consultants Landor, suspects imageconscious Disney might be taking a pass this year to "avoid the risk of doing something live they can't control." But Ross Sutherland, executive creative director of Young Rubicam, said the ads have become so routine that consumers are tuning them out. "I don't think anyone will miss it. I won't,&

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