Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


zo dňa 13.08.2009, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 21.11.2013 05:07:09
Autor: ohhbthwsf (
Titulok: wholesale jersey and jeremy lin is still not fully recovered from his injury
NFL teams already have begun to see the effects of a prospective work stoppage on their revenues for next season and would lose a projected $1 billion in potential revenues if a labor settlement with the players' union is not reached until September, league officials said Thursday.The league disclosed its lossofrevenue projections as part of a presentation to reporters in which NFL officials said both sides have strong economic incentives to settle their bargaining differences before their current labor deal expires in early March."There is a very substantial incentive for both sides to get an agreement. There is a lot of risk for us [and] a lot of risk for the players," said Jeff Pash, the NFL's executive vice president of labor. "We'd like to avoid this as much as we can."George Atallah, the union's assistant executive director of external affairs, called the league's disclosures the "same old story, no new deal," and said in a written statement: &qu

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"wholesale jersey and jeremy lin is still not fully recovered from his injury"

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