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k článku: OP Konkurencieschopnosť a hospodársky rast - výzva na predkladanie žiadostí o NFP pre podopatrenie 1.1.1 - Podpora zavádzania inovácií a technologický
zo dňa 06.08.2009, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 18.11.2013 12:53:02
Autor: ouaqglvga (
Titulok: wholesale jersey plans are hatched and then scrapped during the race against the
New Jersey Senate President Steve Sweeney, an admitted Packers fan, s aid on Tuesday he will introduce a bill t o ban replacement officials from calling any professional sports event in New Jersey, home to two NFL teams, the Giants and Jets.Monday's disputed call was the latest controversy involving officials brought in to replace regular NFL referees who have been locked out of this season's games due to a labor dispute with the NFL.In a written statement on Tuesday, Sweeney, a Democrat cited the risk to player safety. He later said he equated the use of replacement referees with consumer fraud."Enough is enough," Sweeney said in a telephone interview. "To me, it's like fraud.I think that'll give us a lot more confidence."Following a Week 1 win at Pittsburgh, the Titans were on the road last week for the second straight game, falling to the Houston Texans, 3024, in a dramatic, backandforth overtime affair.The Texans knotted the score late in the fourth quarter

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"wholesale jersey plans are hatched and then scrapped during the race against the"

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