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k článku: Program cezhraničnej spolupráce – 2. výzva na predkladanie projektov
zo dňa 06.07.2009, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 21.11.2013 06:00:31
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"Chris has meant a great deal to the Vikings both on and off the field in his eight seasons here," Spielman said in a statement. "He contributed to many victories and we wish Chris and his family the best and thank him for his contributions to the Vikings organization. Out of respect to Chris, we decided to release him now and allow time for him to sign with another team.".The Hokies hopes for the future/flowers are riding on new QB in Logan Thomas. Thomas, as you probably all know, was one of the top tightends in the nation before switching to quarterback a couple seasons ago. Legend has it that he can throw a football over them mountains.

He's 127 in postseason games and only Raven remaining from last championship team. He has 30 tackles in two playoff games this season. Ravens gained 503 yards in this season's win over Patriots. They averaged 459 in two playoff wins this year. With five postseason road wins, Flacco tied with Eli Manning for most in N

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