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k článku: Výzva z OP BK- Inovácie a technologické transfery
zo dňa 05.06.2009, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 21.11.2013 21:32:21
Autor: sdsojsgww (
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In some ways, the feeling in Miami this week has been similar to the feelings after Denzel Washington and Halle Berry in 2002 became the first African Americans to win Academy Awards for best actor and actress in the same year. For African Americans in pro football, the Washington Redskins' Doug Williams ended the wait for a starting Super Bowl quarterback in 1988. All that remained was for a black head coach to reach the game..The Australia II boat, owned by Alan Bond and captained by John Bertrand was one of this country great sporting and engineering successes. The Americans got out to a 31 lead (out of seven) and looked to have a strangle hold on the championship, but that Aussie never say die fighting spirit came through to claim a great victory for Australia, leading Prime Minister Bob Ha

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