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k článku: Výzva z OP BK- Inovácie a technologické transfery
zo dňa 05.06.2009, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 20.11.2013 17:37:10
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O'Sullivan clinched the job with a strong performance during Thursday night's 3730 exhibition victory over Chicago, and coach Mike Nolan said it was time to make O'Sullivan's status official after a summer of uncertainty surrounding the position. O'Sullivan will be our starting quarterback going into the season and I'm expecting him to succeed," Nolan said Friday afternoon. Is at the point where he's our best man for the job right now."."When guys are going at each other after the whistle, and looking to push and shove people, just lock up, protect yourself," he said. "Not going to back down from it, we're not going to get pushed all around after the whistle when it's not being called, when the first offense is not being called. You have to have a plan.

It has lost three of 25 games. Coniglio was talking, he said winds that had been caught at 60 mph were railing at Buffalo. Whitecaps were kicking up on Lake Erie.'And with the State Grant right now,

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