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k článku:
zo dňa 05.06.2009, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 22.11.2013 06:38:58
Autor: kbqrowcgj (
Titulok: allow 4 returns for TDs in losing 12th time in 13 games
wholesale jerseys china Giovaughn Wilson, I think your idea is pretty sensible to reschedule the games so that the tests are played first followed by ODI and T20. This would reaffirm that that Test Cricket is the pinnacle and should be the priority, because I think a lot of cricket fans are wondering if cricket administrators are really prepared to act rather than just talk (what with the Test Championship now delayed too). A 5 day break between tests would mean that the test series would be finished maybe just after the IPL starts.And the fact that he feels that way, that will permeate through the rest of our team. He wants to really concentrate on winning this game, more so than the record. Was unavailable for comment on Monday after racking up 212 yards and a touchdown in the 3624 victory over the Rams, but he said after the game that he knows how to prioritize the two pursuits..

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"allow 4 returns for TDs in losing 12th time in 13 games"

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