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k článku: Z rokovania Predstavenstva SZVD
zo dňa 20.07.2004, autor článku: office

Komentár zo dňa: 28.11.2013 23:01:44
Autor: thuzgisom (
Titulok: discount gucci bags the campaign also will encompass twitter and klondike's web
michael kors outlet Also needed big performances from Kieran Conroy and Trevor Mortimer on this day of days but the county lads were offcolour and unable to impose themselves on a match that was over in many ways long before the end.Trailing by 02 to 17 at halftime, the South Mayo lads did 'up' their game considerably during the third quarter. However, despite the best efforts of Ronan Walsh, Dermot Geraghty and Mark Ronaldson, there was no disguising their problems around the middle third.Points from Kieran Conroy, Conor Mortimer (free) and Ronaldson (2) did leave just four between the teams on 47 minutes but failed to score in the final sixteen minutes as their challenge petered out tamely.In truth, kept them at arm's length by crowding out the danger men and managing to dispossess the ballcarriers with wellexecuted and welltimed tackles and interventions.At the other end snaffled their only point of the entire second half on 58 minut

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"discount gucci bags the campaign also will encompass twitter and klondike's web"

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