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k článku: INTERSHOE 2004 jeseň
zo dňa 07.06.2004, autor článku: marketing

Komentár zo dňa: 22.11.2013 05:27:03
Autor: menwudedw (
Titulok: wholesale jersey 5 and stay to watch the army allamerican game on jan
Dan Moldea wrote a book documenting how corrupt the NFL is and its mafia ties called "Interference"Even though David Stern said that Donaghy was a "rogue, isolated criminal" the truth is Stern had no clue how wide spread the problem was with NBA refs fixing games. It is not like the NBA caught Donaghy in the act. He was caught because the FBI was investigating drug trafficking by organized crime and they just happened to catch Donaghy on some of their wire taps."Let me tell you guys out in San Francisco, you got a great one," John Harbaugh said. "I'm very happy he's not in the AFC. We'll see him once every four years and Super Bowls hopefully we could get a couple of those.

Differentiate the instadium fan experience The New England Patriots does this by creating special game day entertainment for those who come to the stadium. They have a game day app called "Patriots Game Day Live" that will available to season ticket holders

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"wholesale jersey 5 and stay to watch the army allamerican game on jan"

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