Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


k článku: Z predstavenstva SZVD
zo dňa 18.02.2004, autor článku: office

Komentár zo dňa: 01.12.2014 02:50:01
Autor: Chad jordans for salecls ( )
Titulok: Michael kors handbags
If you work in a business casual office, ankle boots will be very versatile for you. Really great in the winter under pants or with a skirt and tights in a matching color (to elongate the leg line). Boots with a taller shaft height will be more difficult to pull off, but I do think that a simple knee high boot with a heel can look really great with an a line dress (like a wrap dress); I think this boot would be great for this situation. Keep in mind the more hardware and decorative elements the boot has, the more difficult it will be to pull off for business casual.
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