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k článku: Z predstavenstva SZVD
zo dňa 18.02.2004, autor článku: office

Komentár zo dňa: 29.11.2013 12:03:58
Autor: phkwzcjdt (
Titulok: michael kors black Friday
It made for a great duel between Stephen Drake and fullforward Tony Mulligan. For the first time also the tactic threatened to destabilise the Ballagh defence.Tom Parsons came good at midfield. David Caffrey, Dermot Higgins and Kevin Deignan made inroads into the Ballagh defence.Oher has The Blind Side on his resume thanks to the bestselling book and subsequent movie, but he hasn't always been a reliable protector of Flacco's backside from the left tackle slot. Resigning McKinnie, which won't be easy for the capstrapped Ravens, would allow them to leave Oher on the less stressful right side and afford them another year to evaluate his future, with his contract up after 2013. If the Ravens do opt to give Oher a longterm contract extension this offseason, it will likely be because his cap number needs to be reduced to help them retain some of their critical free agents..

The Steelers were thin at guard and Urbik will compete to start on the right side against Darnell Staplet

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