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k článku: Z predstavenstva SZVD
zo dňa 18.02.2004, autor článku: office

Komentár zo dňa: 25.11.2013 07:12:16
Autor: becydnghw (
Titulok: wholesale jersey the red raiders have lost three straight and been outscored 159
There's still work to be done. The league's 1,900 players should begin the process of recertifying as a union Tuesday. (Players decertified before the lockout so they could take the league to court.) While final details are being worked out, it's likely that some teams will begin opening training camps Monday, and free agency could start as early as Tuesday..Leinart, a 2006 firstround draft pick out of Southern California, is a free agent after spending last season with Oakland. He spent his first four NFL seasons in Arizona, and the next two in Houston. In April, Leinart lost out to Brady Quinn in a competition for the Seattle Seahawks' backup job..

Once a used car salesman, always a used car salesman. That was the feeling around a good portion of the NFL after Vikings owner Red McCombs announced he was selling to a group led by 46yearold Reggie Fowler. Fowler would be the first AfricanAmerican to be the majority owner of an NFL franchise if his bid of $625 million, the f

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