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k článku: Z predstavenstva SZVD
zo dňa 18.02.2004, autor článku: office

Komentár zo dňa: 19.11.2013 09:21:28
Autor: pscluxnrl (
Titulok: wholesale jersey considering that cheese is another source of fat and calories
cheap nfl jerseys free shipping paypal Last season's Lions, though, looked a lot more like those hapless teams that have plagued the Motor City.An eightgame losing streak capped a 412 season as the team stumbled through a tough campaign which saw bad decisions from both the coaches and players, along with plenty of undisciplined penalties.That said, there were some positives to take away as the Lions were close in most of their games, dropping just three by doubledigits while suffering two losses in overtime and losing another two by two points.The highlight of the season was of course Calvin Johnson's recordsetting campaign as he broke the singleseason receiving yards record with 1,964 yards, topping Jerry Rice's highwater mark which had stood since 1995.Detroit also made a few splashes in the offseason, signing running back Reggie Bush away from the Dolphins, and using the fifth overall pick in the 2013 draft to take promising defensive end Ezek

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"wholesale jersey considering that cheese is another source of fat and calories"

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